Alzheimer’s F’IN SUCKS!

Hello all you freak and geeks!

Today is a special day: my Mom’s birthday. She turns the lovely age of 76. Sadly, she will not remember celebrating her birthday. For you see, my mother has late stage Alzheimer’s. The once boisterous woman has been reduced to a few select phrases she uses on the daily. My AWESOME father has now dedicated his life to take care of her. This disease can kiss my back side until the cows come home! I want to type something more strongly worded about the disease but I also want to keep my job. So if you know anyone else going through this, call them up and give them some support. If you going through this yourself, my heart goes out to you. And if you would like to donate, here is a link to the Alzheimer’s Association. Thank you for listening and taking the time to read this!

Alzheimer’s Association

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